Desert Museum Palo Verde
Sweet Acacia
Chilean Mesquite
Yellow Dot Wedelia
Fairy Duster
Mexican Bird of Paradise
Silver Cloud Sage
Green Cloud Sage
Katie Ruellia
Desert Ruellia
Silver Leaf Cassia
Foxtail Agave
Variegated Agave
Yucca Varieties
Desert Spoon
Plant materials from this palette will be used in your landscape installation, but the exact items will be selected based on availability and seasonal considerations.
Desert Willow
Chaste Tree
Cape Honeysuckle
Angelita Daisy
Yellow Dot Wedelia
Silver Cloud Sage
Green Cloud Sage
Petite Pink Oleander
Katie Ruellia
Desert Ruellia
Yellow Bells
Lady's Slipper
Firecracker Penstemon
Red Yucca
Parry's Penstemon
Plant materials from this palette will be used in your landscape installation, but the exact items will be selected based on availability and seasonal considerations.
Southern Live Oak
Red Push Pistache
Fan Tex Ash
Yellow Dot Wedelia
Silver Cloud Sage
Green Cloud Sage
Dwarf Myrtle
Petite Pink Oleander
Katie Ruellia
Desert Ruellia
Yellow Bells
Lady's Slipper
Firecracker Penstemon
Pendulous Yucca
Parry's Penstemon
Plant materials from this palette will be used in your landscape installation, but the exact items will be selected based on availability and seasonal considerations.
Special Requests?
If there is anything you'd like us to know about your landscaping preferences, such as any allergies your family are sensitive to or specific color preferences, please tell us here. We will always do our best to honor your requests, but general comments are more likely to be accommodated.