Plant Guide
Gothic Landscape of Arizona knows how to strike the balance between our clients' desire for beautiful landscaping and the conditions of our harsh desert climate. We hand pick trees, shrubs, and succulents that will succeed in our climate, but their success also relies on you to care for and nurture them. The Gothic Plant Guide is a tool to help you care for your landscaping. You can also use it preview types of plant materials we may install in your work-in-progress landscaping as well.
Yucca Varieties
Verbena (all varieties)
Torch Glow Bougainvillea
Silver Cloud Sage
Regal Mist (Pink Muhly)
Prickly Pear
Pendulous Yucca
Parry’s Penstemon
Little Leaf Cordia
Katie Ruellia
Green Cloud Sage
Giant Hesperaloe
Fairy Duster
Evening Primrose
Desert Willow
Desert Ruellia
Bush Morning Glory
Brazilian Pepper
Boxwood Beauty (Natal Pum)
Black Dalea
Australian Bottle Tree